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The G20-UN Relationship:
Working Together for a Secure, Sustainable World

An International Pre-G20 Summit Joint Workshop
by the G20 Research Group, University of Toronto and
the Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University
with the support of the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History
and the Jackman Foundation
June 23, 2019, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan


Since its start in 2008, the G20 summit has worked with the UN, by inviting the UN Secretary General to participate in every G20 Summit and by supporting the key sustainable development priorities of the UN. However, as the UN approaches the launch of the second five-year period to advance its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched in September 2015 and addresses critical urgent global challenges such as implementing and improving the Paris Agreement on climate change, a stronger, synergistic G20-UN partnership is needed now.

This international joint workshop, held on the eve of Japan's G20 Osaka Summit on June 28-29 thus addresses the key questions: How has the G20 summit worked to advance SDGs to build a safe, secure and sustainable world? What will and can it do at the coming Summit to advance these goals? How has it worked with the UN in this this regard. How will and can it strengthen this G20-UN partnership at the Osaka Summit and in the coming years.

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Welcome Greetings
Prof. Osamu Murata, President of Kwansei Gakuin University: (KGU)Opening Remarks
Prof. Takahiro Shinyo, Dean, Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies, KGU
G20 Summit Performance, 2008-2018
Chair: Cindy Ou, G20 Research Group
Jonathan Luckhurst, Soka University
Putting Promises into Practice: Members Compliance with G20 Commitments
Chair: Madeline Koch, Executive Director, G20 Research Group
Brittaney Warren, Director of Compliance Research
Jiyoon Han, co-chair G20 Research Group, University of Toronto
The G20 and UN's Role in Asian and Global Security
Chair: Alecs Dragus, Researcher, G20 Research Group
David Welch, University of Waterloo
Keynote Address: Japan's G20 Summit: Plans, Prospects & Possibilities
Chair: Takamichi Mito KGU
Izumi Ohno Director of JICA Institute, Japan
John Kirton University of Toronto
What's Wrong with Multilateralism: Revitalizing Liberal World Order
Chair: Keiko Nishino KGU
Mackenzie Clugston KGU
Takahiro Shinyo
UN Challenges to 2030
Chair: Takamichi Mito
Jun Kukita KGU
Keiko Nishino
Panel Discussion: Prospects and Possibilities for G20-UN Partnership at Osaka
Moderator: Takahiro Shinyo
John Kirton
David Welch
Izumi Ohno Director of JICA Institute, Japan
Shunichi Murata KGU
Closing Remarks
John Kirton
Takahiro Shinyo

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