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Prospects for Japan's G20 Osaka Summit

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Japan is hosting the 2019 G20 summit in Osaka on June 28-29, 2019. In anticipation of that meeting, the Centre for the Study of Global Japan and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto are hosting a one-day symposium on May 8, 2019 to survey the agenda for the summit and provide an assessment of its prospects.

In addition to leaders of G20 countries, other leaders and the heads of many international organizations have been invited. It will be the largest summit Japan has ever hosted. According to Prime Minister Abe, "At the Osaka Summit, Japan is determined to lead global economic growth by promoting free trade and innovation, achieving both economic growth and reduction of disparities, and contributing to the development agenda and other global issues. Furthermore, we will discuss how to address the digital economy from an institutional perspective and issues that arise from an aging society. We will introduce Japan's efforts, including the productivity revolution amid a "Society 5.0" era, towards achieving a society where all individuals are actively engaged."


9:00-9:15AM | WELCOME
Consul-General Takako Ito, Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto

John Kirton, Co-Founder and Director, G7 Research Group
Co-Founder and Director, G20 Research Group and Interim Director, International Relations Program, University of Toronto

Louis Pauly, Interim Director, Centre for the Study of Global Japan, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
J. Stefan Dupré Distinguished Professor of Political Economy, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto

9:15-10:30AM | G20 SUMMIT PERFORMANCE, 2008-2019
Chair: John Kirton

Evolution of the G20
Len Edwards, G20 Sherpa for Canada (2008-10)

Japan, the United States, and the G20 Economy
Robert Fauver, US G7 Sherpa (1993-94)
President, Fauver Associates, LLC

Do G20 Commitments Count? The 2019 Compliance Report
Alessandra Cicci and Ji Yoon Han, Co-Chairs, Summit Studies, G20 Research Group (2019 Osaka Summit), University of Toronto

10:30-11:00AM | BREAK

Chair: Louis Pauly

The Agenda for Osaka
Shotaro Oshima, G7 Sherpa (2002)
Chairman, Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)
Adjunct Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

Osaka G20 Conception and Hopes
Jonathan Fried, Current G20 Sherpa for Canada
Canada's Ambassador and Permanent Representative, World Trade Organization

Japan and Global Economic Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World
Motoshige Itoh, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo, Japan
Professor, International Social Sciences, Gakushuin University, Japan

12:15-1:15PM | LUNCH BREAK

Chair: Tiff Macklem, Dean, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Challenges in the Trading System
Matthew Goodman, Senior Vice President; Simon Chair in Political Economy and
Senior Adviser for Asian Economics, Center for Strategic & International Studies, Washington, DC

The World Economic Outlook & G20 Options
Patrick Cirillo, Principal Assistant to the Secretary, International Monetary Fund

Multilateral Cooperation for Financial Stability: A Historical Perspective and Prospect
Sara Konoe, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University, Japan

Chair: David Welch, University Research Chair and Professor of Political Science, Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo
Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation, University of Waterloo

New Frontiers for Economic Governance and the Promotion of Diversity
Paola Subacchi, Professor, International Economics, Queen Mary University London
Visiting Professor, University of Bologna, Italy

Science in Global Health and Wellness
Mal Evans, Chief Scientific Officer, KGK Science, London, ON

Sustainable Oceans and the Management of Plastic Waste
Atsushi Sunami, President, Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Executive Advisor to the President and Adjunct Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan

Performance and Possibilities for G20 Gender Governance
Julia Kulik, Director of Research, G20 Research Group, University of Toronto

3:45-4:15PM | BREAK

Chair: Alan Alexandroff, Director, Global Summitry Project; Senior Editor, Global Summitry: Politics, Economics and Law in International Governance, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto

Governance of AI in Society 5.0: Japan's Domestic Challenge and International Strategy
Hideaki Shiroyama, Professor, Public Administration, Graduate School of Public Policy and Graduate School for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo, Japan

The G20's Governance of Climate Change
Ella Kokotsis, Director of Accountability, G20 Research Groups, University of Toronto

Innovation in a Global Digital Environment
Carin Holroyd, Associate Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan
President, Japan Studies Association of Canada

The Honourable William C. Graham, Chancellor of Trinity College, University of Toronto

View the event poster here.

View the full program here.

Main Sponsor

Centre for the Study of Global Japan


G20 Research Group, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Trinity College, University of Toronto


Consulate General of Japan in Toronto

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