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G20 Bibliography
Abbott, Kenneth W., Robert Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, et al. (2000). “The Concept of Legalization.” International Organization 54(3), 401–420.
Alagh, Y.K., Dev Nathan, A.N. Sharma, Preet Rustagi and Sudha Shrotria (2012). "The G20, the Seoul Development Consensus and India: A Report." Paper produced with the financial support of the International Labour Office through the ILO–Korea Partnership Program. (See also Kirton, Bracht and Rasmussen 2012 and Studer and Contreras 2012.)
Alexandroff, Alan S. (2010). "Lost in Translation: Conflicting Ambitions for the G20's Future." Global Asia 5(3): Fall 2010.
Alexandroff, Alan S., and David Shorr with Evelyn Chan (2010). "Creating a More Global Collaborative Asian Leadership for the G20: Executive Summary." Conference organized by the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Stanley Foundation, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Lowy Institute and Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai, October 21-23, 2010.
Alexandroff, Alan, David Shorr and Wang Zaibang (2010). "Leadership and the Global Governance Agenda: Three Voices." June. The Centre for International Governance Innovation, Stanley Foundation and the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.
Altman, Roger (2009), “The Great Crash, 2008: A Geopolitical Setback for the West,” Foreign Affairs 88 (January-February): 2-14.
Argüello, Jorge, ed. (2024). The Challenge of the American Countries at the G20. Buenos Aires: Embajada Abierta Foundation.
Argüello, Jorge, ed. (2024). El desafío de los países americanos en el G20. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Fundación Embajada Abierta.
Aslund, Anders (2006). “Russia’s Challenges as Chair of the G-8.” Policy Briefs in International Economics PBO6-3 Washington, DC, Institute for International Economics 7 (March).
Baker, Andrew (2000). “The G7 as a Global ‘Ginger Group’: Plurilateralism and Four Dimension Diplomacy.” Global Governance 6 (April-June), 165–190.
Baker, Andrew (2014). "The G20 and the Monetary Policy Stasis," International Organisations Research Journal 9(4):19-31.
Barnett, Sophie (2018). G20 Governance of Digitalization, 1999-2017. Paper submitted to Professor John Kirton for POL495Y1H: Independent Study, University of Toronto, on April 6, 2018. Version of August 7, 2018.
Baum, Richard and Alexei Shevchenko (2001). “Bringing China In: A Cautionary Note.” In Richard Rosecrance, ed., The New Great Power Coalition: Toward a World Concert of Nations. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Bayne, Nicholas (1995). “The G7 Summit and the Reform of Global Institutions.” Government and Opposition 30 (Autumn): 497.
Bayne, Nicholas (2000). “The G7 Summit’s Contribution: Past, Present and Prospective,” in Karl Kaiser, John Kirton and Joseph Daniels, eds., Shaping a New International Financial System: Challenges of Governance in a Globalizing World. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Bayne, Nicholas (2000). Hanging in There: The G7 and G8 Summit in Maturity and Renewal. Ashgate: Aldershot.
Bayne, Nicholas (2001), "Impressions of the Genoa Summit, 20-22 July 2001," G8 Research Group.
Bayne, Nicholas (2001). “Concentrating the Mind: Decision-Making in the G7/G8 System.” Presentation to the Promoting Conflict Prevention and Human Security: What Can the G9 Do? Conference of the G8 Research Group, University of Toronto, July 16.
Bayne, Nicholas (2001). “The G7 and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Past Performance, Future Challenges.” In J.J. Kirton and G. von Furstenberg, eds,New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Bayne, Nicholas (2001), “Managing Globalisation and the New Economy: The Contribution of the G8 Summit,” in John Kirton and George von Furstenberg, eds., New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Bayne, Nicholas (2003), “Impressions of the Evian Summit, 1-3 June 2003,” G8 Research Group.
Bayne, Nicholas (2004). “Prospects for the 2005 G8 Gleneagles Summit.” Presentation to the G8 Research Group, University of Toronto, November 22.
Bayne, Nicholas (2005). “Do We Need the G8 Summit? Lessons From the Past, Looking Ahead to the Future.” In Michele Fratianni, John J. Kirton, Alan M. Rugman, Paolo Savona, eds., New Perspectives on Global Governance: Why American Needs the G8. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Bergsten, C.F. (2004). "The G20 and the World Economy." Statement to the Deputies of the G20. Leipzig, Germany, March 4, 2004. World Economics 5 (3): 27-36.
Bertelsmann Foundation (2018). Strong Support for International Cooperation among Citizens of G20 States. Policy Brief, November 22.
Bradford, Colin and Johannes Linn (2004). "Global Economic Governance at a Crossroads: Replacing the G7 with the G20." Brookings Institution Policy Brief 131 (April).
Bradlow, Daniel D. (2016). "Lessons from the Frontlines: What I Learned from My Participation in the G20." Global Summitry, January. doi: 10.1093/global/guv007.
Bratersky, Maxim (2014). "Does Global Governance Exist?," Review of John Kirton's G20 Governance for a Globalized World. International Organisations Research Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 115-116, 2014.
Brean, Donald J.S. (2009). "APEC Turns 20 and the Anniversary of the Financial Tsunami." Closing address to the All China Economics Conference, Hong Kong, December 16.
Brookings Institution (2013). "Think Tank 20: The G-20 and Central Banks in the New World of Unconventional Monetary Policy," August.
Bryant, Ralph C. (2003). Turbulent Waters: Cross-Border Finance and International Governance. Washington DC: Brookings Institute Press.
Byrne, Caitlin (2016). "G20 Public Diplomacy: A Global Governance Imperative." Paper prepared for an international workshop on "Making Global Governance More Effective and Inclusive: The G20 and The United Nations," hosted by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), the Center for G20 Studies of SISU, and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, Canada; co-hosted by the UN Association of China and the Shanghai UN Research Association; and sponsored by the Lowy Institute for International Policy of Australia and the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs' Asian Institute, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, East Asian Studies Program, David Chu Asia-Pacific Program, and the Department of Political Science, held at SISU, Shanghai, China, on August 25-26, 2016.
Callaghan, Mike (2014). "International Economic Summits: Are They Worth the Effort?," Caribbean Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy 2(3): pp. 111-123.
Callaghan, Mike, ed. (2014). Think20 2014: A Progress Report on Australia's G20 Presidency. Sydney: Lowy Institute for Foreign Policy.
Callaghan, Mike, and Hugh Jorgenson (2013). Think 20 Papers 2014: Policy Recommendations for the Brisbane G20 Summit. Sydney: Lowy Institute for International Policy.
Canada-Korea G20 Seminar (2010). "Canada-Korea High-Level G20 Seminar: Report 2010." Report of the seminar chaired by Yung Chul Park and Derek Burney, Ottawa, March 17, 2010. Published by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, and the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University.
Capital Adequacy Frameworks Panel (2022). "Boosting MDBs' Investing Capacity." An Independent Review of Multilateral Development Banks' Capital Adequacy Frameworks. Published with the support of the 2020 Italian and 2022 Indonesian G20 Presidencies.
Carin, Barry (2005). "Making Change Happen at the Global Level." In John English, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F. Cooper, eds. Reforming Multilateral Institutions from the Top: A Leaders 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Chin, Gregory and Hugo Dobson (2015). "China as G20 Host in 2016: Dawn of Asian Global Leadership?" Global Policy [Blog]. March 3.
Chin, Gregory and Hugo Dobson (2016). "China's Presidency of the G20 Hangzhou: On Global Leadership and Strategy," Global Summitry March 2016.
Choe, Wongi (2010). "The Role of Korea in the G20 Process and the Seoul Summit." Paper prepared for an international conference on “G20 Seoul Summit: From Crisis to Cooperation,” organized by the Korean Association of Negotiation Studies, May 20, 2010, Seoul, Korea.
Christians, Allison (2017). "Group of Twenty (Role in Tax)," in Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, edited by Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp.111-112.
Cicci, Alessandra, Michael Motala and Alissa Wang (2020). "COVID-19 Research Report: Reimagining Accountability and Global Governance." G20 and BRICS Research Groups, September 16. Funded by the University of Toronto COVID-19 Student Engagement Award through the generosity of the Office of the Vice-President, International and the Faculty of Arts and Science
Club of Madrid (2011). "G20's Role in the Post-Crisis World: Key Messages / El Rol del G20 en un Mundo Post-Crisis: Mensajes Principales." Paris, September 9.
Club of Madrid (2010). "The G20's Role in a Post-Crisis World." Final report of a project by the Club of Madrid, FRIDE and the Government of the Republic of Korea. Madrid.
Cooper, Andrew F. (2007). "The Logic of the B(R)ICSAM Model for G8 Reform." CIGI Policy Brief in International Governance 1 (May): 1-11.
Cooper, Andrew F. (2014). "The G20 and Contested Global Governance: BRICS, Middle Powers and Small States," Caribbean Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy 2(3): pp. 87-109.
Cooper, Andrew F. and Kelly Jackson (2007). "Regaining Legitimacy: The G8 and the 'Heiligendamm Process." CIIA International Insights (July).
Cooper, Andrew F. and Daniel Schwanen (2009). "Flashpoints for the Pittsburgh Summit." CIGI Special G20 Report.
Crocket, Andrew (2004). "Progress towards Greater International Financial Stability." In David Vines and Christopher L. Gilbert, eds. The IMF and its Critics: Reform of Global Financial Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Culpeper, Roy (2000). "Systemic Reform at a Standstill: A Flock of 'Gs' in Search of Global Financial Stability." Paper presented at the conference "Critical Issues in Financial Reform: Latin-American/Caribbean and Canadian Perspectives." Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, June 12.
De Brouwer, Gordon (2007). "Institutions to Promote Financial Stability: Reflections on East Asia and an Asian Monetary Fund." In R. Samans, M. Uzan and A. Lopex-Claros, eds. The International Monetary System, the IMF, and the G20: A Great Transformation in the Making? World Economic Forum, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee. Houndmills, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
De Brouwer, Gordon and Luke Yeaman (2007). "Australia's G20 Host Year: A Treasury Perspective." Economic Roundup (Autumn 2007). Treasury, Australian government.
English, John, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F. Cooper, eds. (2005). Reforming from the Top: A Leader's 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Eichel, Hans (2004). “Globalisierung gestalten. Die G20 als wichtiges Element der Global Governance." International Politik (October). Available at www.internationalpolitik.de
Fues, Thomas (2007). “Global Governance Beyond the G8: Reform Prospects for the Summit Architecture." International Politik und Gesellschaft 2: 11-24.
Fues, Thomas and Peter Wolff, eds. (2010). G20 and Global Development: How Can the New Summit Architecture Promote Pro-Poor Growth and Sustainability? Berlin: German Development Institute.
Germain, Randall D. (2001). "Reforming the International Financial Architecture: The New Political Agenda." Paper presented at the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, February 20-24.
Gingras, Alexandre (2010). "Pre-emptive Peace: Collective Security and Rogue States in the 21st Century." MA thesis, Uppsala Universitet.
Gnath, Katharina (2010). "A Group's Architecture in Flux: The G8 and the Heiligendamm Process," RSCAS Working Paper 2010/06, European University Institute. (Also appeared in Christoph Herrmann and Jörg Terhechte, eds., European Yearbook of International Economic Law, volume 1, Heidelberg: Springer.)
Gnath, Katharina and Niklaus Reimers. "Die G8-Gipfelarchitektur im Wandel." DGAP Analyse, no. 6, June 2009. [In German, with a summary in English]
Gnath, Katharina and Claudia Schmucker (2010). "Der Gipfel in Seoul: Nach der Einigung zur IWF-Reform stehen weitere wichtige Entscheidungen auf der Agenda der G20" ["The Summit in Seoul: After Agreeing on IMF Reform, The G20 Faces Further Important Decisions"]. DGAPanalyse kompakt No. 8,
Gnath, Katharina and Claudia Schmucker (2011). “The Role of the Emerging Countries in the G20: Agenda-setter, Veto Player or Spectator?” Bruges Regional Integration and Global Governance Papers no. 2. Bruges, United Nations University CRIS, College of Europe.
Gnath, Katharina and Claudia Schmucker (2011). "L'Allemagne et les 'clubs G'" ["Deutschland und die G-Clubs"]. Note de Cerfa No. 85. Paris, Institute français des relations internationales, CERFA.
Gronau, Jennifer (2015). Die Selbstlegitimation internationaler Institutionen. G8 und G20 im Vergleich. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Campus.
Gruen, David, Terry O'Brien and Jeremy Lawson, eds. (2002). Globalisation, Living Standards and Inequality: Recent Progress and Continuing Challenges, conference proceedings, May 27-28, Sydney, Australia.
Guebert, Jenilee and Robin Lennox (2010). "Health at the G20 Seoul Summit?" Health Diplomacy Monitor, 1(4): 19-20.
Guo Shuyong (2016). "Competition among the Three Systems for Global Governance and Their Future Prospects." Paper prepared for an international workshop on "Making Global Governance More Effective and Inclusive: The G20 and The United Nations," hosted by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), the Center for G20 Studies of SISU, and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, Canada; co-hosted by the UN Association of China and the Shanghai UN Research Association; and sponsored by the Lowy Institute for International Policy of Australia and the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs' Asian Institute, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, East Asian Studies Program, David Chu Asia-Pacific Program, and the Department of Political Science, held at SISU, Shanghai, China, on August 25-26, 2016. [PDF in Chinese]
Gurria, Angel (2005). "A Leaders' 20 Summit?" In John English, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F. Cooper, eds. Reforming Multilateral Institutions from the Top: A Leaders 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Hajnal, Peter I. (1999). The G7/G8 System: Evolution, Role and Documentation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Hajnal, Peter I. (2007). The G8 System and the G20: Evolution, Role and Documentation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Hajnal, Peter I. (2007). "Summitry from G5 to L20: A Review of Reform Initiatives." Centre for International Governance Innovation Working Paper #20. Available from www.cigionline.org.
Hajnal, Peter I. (2011). G20 Yu Shi Min She Hui [The G20 and Civil Society]. Shanghai: Guo Ji Guan Cha. [In Chinese]
Hajnal, Peter I. (2016). Review – G20 Governance for a Globalized World, E-International Relations, February 1.
Hajnal, Peter I. (2017). "The Group of Twenty (G20)," in Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, edited by Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 84-86.
Hajnal, Peter I. (2022). "Whither the G7 and G20?" Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, published March 7. DOI: 10.1080/11926422.2022.2027797.
Peter Hajnal I. (2024). "The G20's Informal Diplomacy and External Relations" in Bob Reinalda and Marieke Louis, eds., The Routledge Handbook of International Organization, 2d ed, pp. 493-506.
Heap, Peter C. (2008). Globalization and Summit Reform: An Experiment in International Governance. International Development Research Centre and Springer: Ottawa and New York. See also www.idrc.ca/openebooks/395-9.
Helleiner, Gerald (2001). "Developing Countries, Global Financial Governance and the Group of Twenty: A Note." Toronto: University of Toronto.
Helleiner, Gerald (2001). "Markets, Politics and Globalization: Can the Global Economy Be Civilized?" Global Governance 7: 243-263.
Hermawan, Yulius P., Wulani Sriyuliani, Gertruida H. Hardjowljono, and Sylvie Tanaga (2011). The Role of Indonesia in the G20: Background, Role and Objectives of Indonesia's Membership. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. [In English and Bahasa Indonesian.]
Hillman, Jennifer (2010). "Saving Multilateralism: Renovating the House of Global Economic Economic Governance for the 21st Century." Brussels Forum Paper Series. Washington DC: German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Hofmeister, Wilhelm and Susanna Vogt, eds. (2011). G20: Perceptions and Perspectives for Global Governance. Berlin: Konradt Adenauer Stiftung.
Hoge, James F. Jr. (2004). "A Global Power Shift in the Making: Is the United States Ready?" Foreign Affairs 83(4): 2-7.
Johnson, Pierre Marc (2000). "Beyond Trade: The Case for a Broadened International Governance Agenda." Policy Matters 1(3): 4-36.
Johnson, Pierre Marc (2001). "Creating Sustainable Global Governance." In John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels and Andreas Freytag, eds. Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Jokela, Juha (2011). "The G20: A Pathway to Effective Multilateralism?" Chaillot Paper No. 125, 21 April. European Union Institute for Security Studies.
Kaul, Inge (2018). Implementing the 2030 Agenda: What Role for the Group of Twenty (G20)? Discussion draft. Commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Version of June 1, 2018
Kharas, Homi and Domenico Lombardi (2012). "The Group of Twenty: Origins, Prospects and Challenges for Global Governance." Washington DC: Brookings Institution.
Kirton, John (1999). "What Is the G20." Adapted from "The G7, China and the International Financial System." Paper presented at an International Think Tank Forum on "China in the Twenty-First Century." China Development Institute, November 10-12.
Kirton, John (2001). "Guiding Global Economic Governance: The G20, the G7, and the International Monetary Fund at Century's Dawn." In John J. Kirton and George M. von Furstenberg, eds. New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kirton, John (2001). "The G20: Representativeness, Effectiveness and Leadership in Global Governance." In John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels and Andreas Freytag, eds. Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kirton, John (2002). "Global Community Outreach: The G20 and Africa." Lecture prepared for G8 Online 2002 course.
Kirton, John (2004). "Getting the L20 Going: Reaching Out from the G8." Paper prepared for workshop "G20 to Replace the G8: Why Not Now?" Brookings Institution, Institute for International Economics, and the Centre for Global Governance, Washington DC, September 22.
Kirton, John (2004). "Toward Multilateral Reform: The G20's Role and Place." Paper prepared for a conference on "The Ideas-Institutional Nexus: The Case of the G20." Sponsored by the Centre on International Governance Innovation, United Nations University FLACSO, and the University of Waterloo, Claridge Hotel, Buenos Aires, May 19-21.
Kirton, John (2005). "From G7 to G20: Capacity, Leadership and Normative Diffusion in Global Financial Governance." Paper prepared for a panel on "Expanding Capacity and Leadership in Global Financial Governance: From G7 to G20." International Studies Association Annual Convention, Hawaii, March 1-5.
Kirton, John (2005). "Toward Multilateral Reform: The G20's Contribution." In John English, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F. Cooper, eds. Reforming Multilateral Institutions from the Top: A Leaders 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Kirton, John (2007). "Sustaining Global Trade Liberalization: China's G8 Opportunity." Paper presented for a conference "Facing Global Trade Imbalance: Cooperation and Development." Sponsored by the Global Trade Development Forum and the Sixth Annual Academic Meeting on China and the World Trade Organizaiton, Beijing, November 9-12.
Kirton, John, ed. (2008) "The G20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy." Online publication with contributions from Paul Martin, Robert Fauver, Eric Helleiner and Stefano Pagliari, Michele Fratianni and John Pattison, and others. G20 Research Group.
Kirton, John (2009). "Coexistence, Cooperation, Competition: G Summits." Aspenia number 43-44 (June).
Kirton, John (2009). "A Committed Contributor: Japan in G8 and G20 Governance." Paper prepared for an international workshop on “Japan (Still) Matters: What Role in the World,” National Institute of Japanese Studies, Sheffield University, April 30-May 1, 2009.
Kirton, John (2009). "Prospects for the Pittsburgh G20 Summit." International Bank Federation Newsletter, Summer 2009.
Kirton, John (2010). "Assessing G8 and G20 Performance, 1975-2009." Paper prepared for the international convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 16-21, 2010. Draft of February 15, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "The G20, the G8, the G5 and the Role of Ascending Powers." Paper prepared for the seminar on "Ascending Powers and the International System," Instituto Matias Romero, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Mexico City, December 13-14, and for publication in Revista Mexicana de Politica Exterior. Version of December 27, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "The G8-G20 Partnership." Paper submitted for publication in Studia Diplomatica 2010. Version of August 19, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "The G8-G20 Roles and Relationship." Paper prepared for a panel on “The Future of the G8 and G20 – Possible Scenarios” at an expert seminar on “The Future of the G8 and G20,” sponsored by the Universiteit Gent and Egmont, Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting, Brussels, April 26, 2010. Version of May 13, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "The G20 and Multilateral Reform." Paper prepared for the preparatory meeting for the conference on “What Role for the G20 in a Post-Crisis World?,” Club de Madrid and Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), Seoul, Korea, July 15-16.
Kirton, John (2010). "The G20 Summit as an International Negotiation Process: Shaping the Systemic Summit Club for Toronto and Seoul." Paper prepared for an international conference on “G20 Seoul Summit: From Crisis to Cooperation,” hosted by the Korean Association of Negotiation Studies and sponsored by the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 19-20, 2010. Version of May 22, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "The G20's Approach to Financial Risk and Risk Management." Presentation for the program on “Financial Risk and Risk Management” for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Rotman School of Management, May 27, 2010. Draft of June 1, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "Potential Partnership in Global Economic Governance: Canada's G20 Summit from Toronto to Turkey." Paper prepared for a presentation at TEPAV, Ankara, and DEIK, Istanbul, Turkey, June 7-8. Version of June 14, 2010.
Kirton, John (2010). "Prospects for the G20 Seoul Summit." Draft of November 6, 2010, prepared for publication in Bruegel's G20 Monitor. [Prevous drafts: October 23, 2010, September 20, 2010.]
Kirton, John (2010). "Working Together for G8-G20 Partnership: The Muskoka-Toronto Twin Summits, June 2010." Paper prepared for an international conference on “Partnership for Progress: From the 2010 Muskoka-Toronto Summits to the Seoul Summit,” State University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, October 27-28. Version of November 6, 2010.
Kirton, John (2011). "Brazil's Contribution to G20 and Global Goverance." Paper prepared for keynote address to the 16th ENERI Conference, Brasilia, May 18-19, 2011. Draft of May 18, 2011.
Kirton, John (2011). "Enhancing Effectiveness through Improved Accountability Assessment." Paper prepared for a panel on “From Commitment to Compliance: The Challenge of Effectiveness — UN Security Council, IFIs and Gx — Global vs. Regional Organizations” at the second annual Princeton Global Governance Conference on “Rivalry and Partnership: The Struggle for a New Global Governance Leadership,” Princeton University, Princeton NJ, January 14-15, 2011. Version of January 7.
Kirton, John (2011). "Why the G8 Will Endure." G8 and G20 Research Groups. Version of February 10, 2011.
Kirton, John (2011). "G20 Development Governance, 1999-2011: Involvement, Innovation, Institutionalization, Impact." Keynote address delivered at a knowledge-sharing conference on “The Global Development Agenda after the Great Recession of 2008-09: Revisiting the Seoul Development Consensus,” International Labour Organization, Geneva, November 21, 2011. Version of December 3, 2011.
Kirton, John J. (2012). "Academics, Analysis and Accountability: Contributions to G20 Governance." Paper presented at an international conference on "Global Governance for the Next Generation: Building on the Los Cabos G20 Summit," sponsored by the Instituto Technologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM), the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), the National Research University — Higher School of Economics of Russia, the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, the Centre for International Governance Innovation and Newsdesk Publications, ITAM, Mexico City, April 25, 2012.
Kirton, John (2012). "Connecting Young Entrepreneurship to G20 Governance: Innovations in Policy and Process." Paper prepared for presentation to the G20 Young Entrepreneur Summit, Mexico City, June 2-5, 2012.
Kirton, John (2012). "Democratizing G20 Governance: Performance and Possibilities." Paper presented at “The G20 and the Democratic Shortcomings of Global Governance,” a meeting of the Academic Research Network on “Global Governance versus Global Government: Worldwide Democracy and the G20,” Flemish Research Foundation, November 8-9, 2012, Leuven, Belgium.
Kirton, John (2012). "The G20's Global Governance: Working for the World." Lecture delivered as part of an international workshop on “The G20 and the Democratic Challenges of Global Governance,” Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, November 8.
Kirton, John (2012). "How the G20 Has Escaped Diminishing Returns.' Paper prepared for the conference on “International Co-operation in Times of Global Crisis: Views from G20 Countries’ Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, October 18-19.
Kirton, John (2012). "Japan's Contribution to G8, G20 and Global Governance." Keynote address to the Japan Futures Initiative Spring Symposium 2012, Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada, March 14-15, 2012.
Kirton, John (2012). "Prospects for the G20’s Brisbane Summit 2014." Paper prepared for a presentation at Roy Harvey House, Brisbane, hosted by Brisbane City Council and Griffith University on November 22, 2012, Brisbane, Australia. Podcast available courtesy of Griffith University, Brisbane.
Kirton, John (2012). "Strengthening Global and Regional Macroeconomic Growth: G20 Performance and Prospects." Paper prepared for a session on “Facilitating Collaboration under G20 Leadership” at the International Financial Cooperation Roundtable 2012, Jeju, Korea, December 6-7, 2012.
Kirton, John (2013). G20 Governance for a Globalized World. Farnham: Ashgate.
Kirton, John (2013). "G20-G8 Partnership in Global Economic Governance." Background paper prepared for a presentation at the session on "What Is the Way Forward for the G20?" for a conference on "From the G8 to the G20 and Beyond: Setting a Course for Economic Global Governance," Chatham House, London, May 9, 2013.
Kirton, John (2013). "Explaining G20 Summit Success." Paper prepared for a presentation to the Queensland Branch of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Brisbane, Australia, December 17, 2013.
Kirton, John (2013). "Growing G20 Governance for a Globalized World." Global Review, September. [Chinese version].
Kirton, John (2013). "Making the G20 Work for Brisbane, Business and the World." Keynote address to "Building Business Through G20," sponsored by the Brisbane Airport Corporation, Brisbane Marketing, Brisbane Development Association and Business South Bank, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, December 17.
Kirton, John (2013). "Winning Together: Advanced Countries' Approach to G20 Governance." Paper prepared for the session on "G20 Dialogue: Advanced Countries, Emerging Countries and the G20" at the "G20 Seminar" at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Shanghai, China, May 3, 2013.
Kirton, John (2014). "Identifying the Problems: Government, Taxation and Regulation in SMEs and Australia's G20 Priorities." Prepared for the 2014 Young Entrepreneurs Summit, Sydney, July 18-21.
Kirton, John (2014). "The G20 System Still Works: Better Than Ever," Caribbean Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy 2(3): pp. 43-60.
Kirton, John (2015). "Innovative Implementation for Impact: Prospects and Proposals for China’s G20 Priorities in 2016." Paper prepared for presentation at the session on “What are China’s Priorities for 2016 G20 Presidency?” of the “T20 Kickoff Meeting: G20 and Global Governance,” Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, December 14-15, 2015.
Kirton, John (2015). The United Nations, Global Economic Governance and the G20. Paper presented at University of Leuven, Belgium, Thursday, December 10, 2015. Version of December 10, 2015.
Kirton, John (2016). "Building a Sustainable Silk Road." Paper prepared for a conference on "Conducting Consultations to Develop Mutual Trust: Jointly Building the Belt and Road to Achieve Win-Win Results," Guangdong Foreign Studies University, Guangzhou, China, May 10, 2016.
Kirton, John (2016). China's G20 Leadership (Abingdon: Routledge).
Kirton, John (2017). "Liberal Order and the G20: Present and Future." Paper prepared for presentation at a "G20 Experts' Seminar," Sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Seoul, Korea, December 5, 2017. Version of December 21, 2017.
Kirton, John (2016). "China's G20 Leadership with the United Nations." Paper prepared for an international workshop on "Making Global Governance More Effective and Inclusive: The G20 and The United Nations," hosted by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), the Center for G20 Studies of SISU, and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, Canada; co-hosted by the UN Association of China and the Shanghai UN Research Association; and sponsored by the Lowy Institute for International Policy of Australia and the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs' Asian Institute, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, East Asian Studies Program, David Chu Asia-Pacific Program, and the Department of Political Science, held at SISU, Shanghai, China, on August 25-26, 2016. Draft of August 23, 2016.
Kirton, John (2017). "The G20's Growing Security Governance Success." Paper prepared for a panel on "Which Global Security Goods can the G20 Provide?" at "The G20 as a Global Governance Institution," a conference sponsored by the Federal Academy for Security Policy, Berlin, February 9, 2017. Version of February 9, 2017.
Kirton, John (2019). "The G20's Growing Legitimacy." Paper presented at an international conference on Contending Issues of Global Governance, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 24, 2019. Version of October 25, 2019.
Kirton, John (2021). "G20 Performance and Prospects, 2008–2021." Paper prepared for a presentation to the National Defence College, Muscat, Oman, February 18. Version of March 4, 2021.
Kirton, John (2021). Producing a Panda–Polar Bear Partnership: Promising Prospects for Canadian-Chinese Global Cooperation. Presentation prepared for the High Level Forum: China-Canada Relations after the 2021 Federal Election, co-hosted by the Shanghai Institute for International Studies and the Shanghai International Studies University, November 24, 2021. Draft of December 2, 2021.
Kirton, John (2022). "The G20's Growing Governance, 2008–2022." Lecture to the G20 Studies Centre, University of Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia, February 24, 2022. Version of February 23, 2022.
Kirton, John (2022). "G20 Performance and Prospects, 2008–2022." Paper prepared for a presentation to the National Defence College, Muscat, Oman, January 23. Includes slides. Version of January 22.
Kirton, John (2022). "Promising Prospects and Proposals for the G20 Bali Summit." Keynote Speech to the "UI International Conference on G20: Boosting Indonesia's Role in the G20 Presidency 2022," Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, June 16.
Kirton, John (2023). Canada's Global Leadership as a Clean Energy Superpower. Keynote address to the "Future of Energy Global Summit," Kinnear Centre for Innovation and Creativity, Banff, Alberta, September 23. Version of September 28, 2023.
Kirton, John (2024). Transcending Asia-Pacific Multipolarity. Paper presented for TRT World Forum, Istanbul, November 29-30. Version of December 3, 2024.
Kirton, John and Caroline Bracht. "Explaining Compliance with Regional and Global Summit Commitments: CARICOM, UN, G8 and G20 Action on Non-communicable Disease." Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 21, 2015. Version of February 24, 2015.
Kirton, John, Caroline Bracht and Leanne Rasmussen (2012). "Implementing the G20 Seoul Development and Employment Commitments: An Assessment." Paper produced with the financial support of the International Labour Office through the ILO–Korea Partnership Program. (See also Alagh et al. 2012 and Studer and Contreras 2012.)
Kirton, John and Laurette Dubé (2011). "From New York to Cannes: Baby Steps in the Battle against Non-Communicable Diseases," Globe and Mail, September 21.
Kirton, John and Laurette Dubé (2011). "Modern Pandemic Requires Radical Shift in Thinking," Montreal Gazette, September 21.
Kirton, John and Jenilee Guebert (2009). "A Summit of Substantial Success: The Performance of the G20 in Washington in 2008." Draft of March 7, 2009.
Kirton, John J., Andy Knight and C. James Hospedales. "Implementing Global Summit Commitments on Health." Paper prepared for the 59th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 4-7, 2018. Version of April 2, 2018.
Kirton, John and Madeline Koch, eds. (2008). The G20 London Summit: Growth, Stability, Jobs. London: Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John and Madeline Koch, eds. (2008). Growth, Innovation, Inclusion: The G20 at Ten. London: Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John and Madeline Koch, eds. (2009). The G20 Pittsburgh Summit 2009. London: Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch, eds. (2010). G8 & G20: The 2010 Canadian Summits. Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch, eds. (2011). The G20 Cannes Summit: A New Way Forward. London: Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch, eds. (2012). The G20 Mexico Summit: The Quest for Growth and Stability. London: Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch, eds. (2013). Russia's G20 Summit: St Petersburg 2013. London: Newsdesk Media.
Kirton, John J., and Ella Kokotsis. The Global Governance of Climate Change: G8, G20 and UN Leadership. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.
Kirton, John J., Ella Kokotsis and Aurora Hudson (2016). "Explaining Global Leadership in Climate Security for Peace: G7/8, G20 and UN Contributions in Compliance and Accountability." Paper prepared for the panel on "Climate Change, Conflict and Peace" at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, March 19. Version of March 22, 2016.
Kirton, John J., and Julia Kulik (2012). Delivering a Double Dividend: Prospects for the G20 at Los Cabos Summit. Paper presented at a conference on “Strengthening Sustainable Development by Bringing Business In: From Los Cabos G20 to Rio Plus 20,” sponsored by the Global Institute for Sustainability, Tecnológico de Monterrey, and the Global Governance Program, Trinity College, University of Toronto. Version of June 11, 2012.
Kirton, John J., and Julia Kulik (2013). "A Summit Worth Watching," OpenCanada.org, September 5.
Kirton, John J., and Julia Kulik (2015). "Advancing G20 Accountability," G20 Monitor: Investment, Inclusiveness, Implementation and Health Governance, Number 16, pages 14-21.
Kirton, John, Julia Kulik, Caroline Bracht and Jenilee Guebert (2014). "Connecting Climate Change and Health through Global Summitry." World Medical and Health Policy 6(1): 73-100. doi 10.1002/wmh3.83.
Kirton, John J., Julia Kulik and Caroline Bracht (2014). "Recent G8, G20 Inclusive Multilevel Food Governance," International Organisations Research Journal 9(4): 64-72.
Kirton, John and Dilbar Sadykova (2013). "Russia's Contribution to G20 Summitry." Paper prepared for the G20 Research Group. Version of August 27.
Kirton, John and Junichi Takase, eds. (2002). New Directions in Global Political Governance: Creating International Order for the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kirton, John and George von Furstenberg, eds. (2001). New Directions in Global Economic Governance: Managing Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kirton, John and Alissa Xinhe Wang (2021). China's Global Leadership Through G20 Compliance, Chinese Science Policy Review, March 12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-021-00177-2.
Kirton, John and Alissa Xinhe Wang (2022). China's Complex Leadership in G20 and Global Governance: From Hangzhou 2016 to Kunming 2021, Chinese Political Science Review, March 9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-022-00213-9.
Kirton, John and Brittaney Warren (2018). "G20 Climate Change Governance: Performance, Prospects, Proposals." Paper prepared for the pre-G20 summit conference on "Prospects and Possibilities for Japan's 2019 G20 Osaka Summit," Soka University, Tokyo, Japan, December 10. Version of December 10.
Kirton, John and Brittaney Warren (2020). "A Fragile First Step? G7 and G20 Governance of Climate Change, the Environment, Health and Indigenous Peoples." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Hawaii, March 25 (cancelled because of COVID-19). Draft of April 5, 2020.
Kirton, John and Brittaney Warren (2021). Engagement Group Recommendations Realized in G20 Summits, Global Solutions Journal, no. 6 (January), 29–36.
Kirton, John, Brittaney Warren and Madeline Koch (2017). Improving G20 Compliance to Control Climate Change. Paper prepared for the 2017 pre-G20 summit conference on "The G20 and the Global Environment, Climate and Energy Agenda," co-organized by the G20 Research Group, University of Toronto, and the Bavarian School of Public Policy, Technical University of Munich, Munich, June 26, 2017. Version of June 28, 2017.
Kirton, John J., Brittaney Warren and Jessica Rapson (2021). "Creating Compliance with G20 and G7 Climate Change Commitments through Global, Regional and Local Actors." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, April 7–10, 2021. Version of April 1.
Kloke-Lesch, Adolf (2015). "The G20 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Reflections on Future Roles and Tasks." Paper prepared for the Third Annual G20 Think Tank Summit on "Global Governance and Open Economy," Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University, Beijing, July 30– August 1.
Knight, Malcolm, Lawrence Schembri and James Powell (2004). "Reforming the Global Financial Architecture: Just Tinkering around the Edges?" In David Vines and Christopher L. Gilbert, eds. The IMF and Its Critics: Reform of Global Financial Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Koch, Madeline (2016). "Connecting G20 Summitry with Citizenry." Paper prepared for the Shanghai International Forum, May 30, Shanghai. Draft of May 16, 2016.
Koch, Madeline (2019). "China's B20 and T20 Leadership in the G20.."e; Presentation prepared for the International Symposium on Connecting the World and the Future, Shanghai Academy of Global Governance and Area Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, November 8-9, 2019. Draft of November 2, 2019.
Kokotsis, Ella (2016). "G20-UN Relationship in Global Climate Governance." Powerpoint prepared for international workshop on "Making Global Governance More Effective and Inclusive: The G20 and The United Nations," hosted by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), the Center for G20 Studies of SISU, and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, Canada; co-hosted by the UN Association of China and the Shanghai UN Research Association; and sponsored by the Lowy Institute for International Policy of Australia and the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs' Asian Institute, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, East Asian Studies Program, David Chu Asia-Pacific Program, and the Department of Political Science, held at SISU, Shanghai, China, on August 25-26, 2016.
Kulik, Julia (2011). "Russia’s Global Health Governance Gap: A Strategy for Summit Success." Paper prepared for the Conference on Emerging Practices in Global Health Co-operation, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, December 6. Draft of December 13, 2011.
Labardini Inzunza, Adriana (2012). "The Banking System: For Whom and For What Purpose?" G20 Update, Issue 13, September, pp. 12-14.
Larionova, Marina (2011). "Assessing G8 and G20 Effectiveness in Global Governance So Far." Paper prepared for "The G20 after the Cannes Summit," a research seminar co-sponsored by the European Institute on Security Studies, the Finnish Institute on International Affairs and the G8 Research Group, Paris, November 7, 2011. Draft of November 1, 2011.
Larionova, Marina (2012). "From the Mexican to the Russian G20 Presidency." G20 Update, Issue 13, September, pp. 3-5.
Larionova, Marina, and John J. Kirton, eds. The G8-G20 Relationship in Global Governance. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.
Larionova, Marina and Andrey Shelepov (2013). "Reinvigorating Growth Potential: Priorities for the Central Bank of Russia," Think Tank 20: The G-20 and Central Banks in the New World of Unconventional Monetary Policy, August 2013, Brookings Institution.
Lee Dong-hwi (2008). First G20 Summit: International Political Economic Significance and Prospects. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, November 21. [Korean version.]
Lee Dong-hwi (2009). Second G20 Summit: Evaluation and Prospects. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, April 17. [Korean version.]
Lee Dong-hwi (2009). Third G20 Summit: International Political Economic Achievements and Prospects. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, October 12. [Korean version.]
Lee Dong-hwi (2010). Assessment of the Toronto G20 Summit and Tasks Ahead in Preparing for the Upcoming Seoul Summit. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, July 13. [Korean version.]
Lee Dong-hwi (2010). G20 Seoul Summit: Assessment and Future Prospects. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, December 13. [Korean version.]
Lee Dong-hwi (2011). Cannes G20 Summit: Assessment and Implications. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, December 12. [Korean version.]
Lee Dong-hwi (2012). Challenges for the G20 after the Mexico Summit. Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, August 20.
Lesage, Dries (2010). "The G20 and Tax Havens: Maintaining the Momentum." Paper prepared for the conference "Governing the Global Economy: The Role of the G20," Munk School of Global Affairs at Trinity College in the University of Toronto, June 18. Preliminary Draft.
Lesage, Dries (2014). "The Current G20 Taxation Agenda: Compliance, Accountability and Legitimacy," International Organisations Research Journal 9(4): 32-41.
Lilley, Ian (2024). “How Can The G20 Best Protect Cultural Heritage? Policy Recommendations to Strengthen Commitment in Support of Hands-on Action.” Antiquities Coalition Think Tank, December. Also available as a PDF.
Liu Zongyi (2011). Er Shi Guo Ji Tuan De Jue Se Zhuan Xing Yu Fa Guo Ga Na Feng Hui Zhan Wang [The Transformation of the Role of G20 and Prospects for G20 Cannes Summit]. Shanghai: Guo Ji Guan Cha. [In Chinese]
Manuel, Trevor (2000). "Notes for a Speech to the Seminar of South Africa's Foreign Relations and the Creation of National Wealth and Social Welfare." Centre for European Study in Africa, Rand Afrikaans University, October 20.
Martinez-Diaz, Leonardo (2007). "The G20 after Eight Years: How Effective a Vehicle for Developing-Country Influence?" Brookings Institution (October): Working Paper 12.
Masson, Paul, and John Pattison (2010). "Financial Regulatory Reform: Using Models of Cooperation to Evaluate Current Prospects for International Agreement." Toronto: Rotman School of Management.
Mathur, Akshay (2021). "The Promise and Anxiety of G20's Financial Multilateralism," Observer Research Foundation, Mumbai, July 23.
Meyer, Laurence, et al. (2004). "International Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies: Still Alive in the New Millennium?" In David Vines and Christopher L. Gilbert, eds. The IMF and its Critics: Reform of Global Financial Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Modak, Purvaja (2021). G20's Leadership for Global Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness, Center for Public Policy Research, Kochi. September 29.
Modak, Purvaja (2021). G20: The Economic Steering Committee for the World, Centre for Public Policy Research, Kochi. April.
Modak, Purvaja (2021). Three 'I's Influence G20's Discourse, Center for Public Policy Research, Kochi. December 29.
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Narlikar, Amrita (2014). "Unintended Consequences: The G20 as Global Governance," Caribbean Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy 2(3): pp. 61-71.
Nudelsman, Susana (2024). "Global Economic Governance of the G20 since the Global Financial Crisis: Short-Term Response versus Long-Term Reform."" Argentine Council for International Relations.
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Parkinson, Martin (2006). "The G20: Addressing Global Challenges." Presentation to the Australian Business Economist Luncheon, Sydney, Australia, November 8.
Payne, Anthony (2014). "Governing Global Crisis: Why the G20 Summit Was Created and What We Still Need It to Do?," International Organisations Research Journal 9(4):10-18.
Payne, Anthony (2014). "Steering into the Great Uncertainity: The G20 as Global Governance," Caribbean Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy 2(3): pp. 73-86.
Persini, Céline (2011). "G20: les enjeux de la présidence française," Regards sur l'actualité no. 371. La Documentation française.
Porter, Tony (2000). "The G7, the Financial Stability Forum, the G20, and the Politics of International Financial Regulation." Paper prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, March 15.
Postel-Vinay, Karoline (2011). Le G20, laboratoire d’un monde émergent. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
Preyma, Lida (2015). Companies Need to Know Who They Are Doing Business With: Why Beneficial Ownership Transparency Matters, Huffington Post, December 9.
Rewizorski, Marek (2016). The Partnership of Convenience: The OECD and the G20 in Global Governance. Commentary No 4, July 7. Institute of East-Central Europe and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Risk Control Limited (2022). "MDB Portfolio Expansion – Agency Ratings and Value at Risk." Note number: 22-96a, June 28. Commissioned by the Independent Panel on MDB Capital Adequacy Frameworks.
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Rubio Mãrquez, V. (2007). The G20: A Practitioner's Perspective. Global Economic Governance Programme. Oxford: University College.
Sainsbury, Tristram (2016). "Responding to Growing Anti-Globalization Sentiment." Paper prepared for an international workshop on "Making Global Governance More Effective and Inclusive: The G20 and The United Nations," hosted by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), the Center for G20 Studies of SISU, and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, Canada; co-hosted by the UN Association of China and the Shanghai UN Research Association; and sponsored by the Lowy Institute for International Policy of Australia and the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs' Asian Institute, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, East Asian Studies Program, David Chu Asia-Pacific Program, and the Department of Political Science, held at SISU, Shanghai, China, on August 25-26, 2016..
Sainsbury, Tristram and Hannah Wurf (2015). Can the G20 Help Prepare the World for Future Health Pandemics? G20 Monitor: Investment, Inclusiveness, Implementation and Health Governance, Number 16, pages 29-36.
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, and Sanket Mohapatra (2003). Australia: Poverty, Inequality and the Distribution of Income in the Group of 20, paper prepared for the G20, April 3.
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Slaughter, Steven (2016). "Building G20 Outreach: The Role of Transnational Policy Networks in Sustaining Effective and Legitimate Summitry." Global Summitry, January. doi: 10.1093/global/guv009.
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Studer, Isabel and Talia Contreras (2012). "Assessing the Impact of the Seoul Summit Development Commitments: Case Study Mexico." Paper produced with the financial support of the International Labour Office through the ILO–Korea Partnership Program. (See also Alagh et al. 2012 and Kirton, Bracht and Rasmussen 2012.)
Taróssy, Istvàn (2014). "G20 Governance for a Globalized World," book review. Round Table 103(3): 362-64.
Taylor, Ian (2004). "South Africa, the G20, the G20+ and the IBSA Dialogue Forum: Implications for Future Global Governance." Paper prepared for United Nations University conference on "The Ideas-Institutional Nexus Project: The Case of the G20." Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 19-21.
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Vana, Danielle (2019). "G20 Global Health Governance, 2008-2018." Paper prepared for the G20 Research Group, October 7, 2019.
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Zheng, Chunrong (2016). "Germany and the G20." A modified version of a paper prepared for an international workshop on "Making Global Governance More Effective and Inclusive: The G20 and The United Nations," hosted by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), the Center for G20 Studies of SISU, and the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, Canada; co-hosted by the UN Association of China and the Shanghai UN Research Association; and sponsored by the Lowy Institute for International Policy of Australia and the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs' Asian Institute, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History, East Asian Studies Program, David Chu Asia-Pacific Program, and the Department of Political Science, held at SISU, Shanghai, China, on August 25-26, 2016.
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