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The 2013 G20 St. Petersburg Summit Commitments

Identified by Jenilee Guebert, Caroline Bracht and HSE IORI
March 2014

G20 Leaders' Declaration 208
G20 5th Anniversary Vision Statement 30
St. Petersburg Outlook 43
Total 281

G20 St. Petersburg Summit Commitments


2013-1: we are fully committed to taking decisive actions to return to a job-rich, strong, sustainable and balanced growth path (macroeconomic policy)
2013-2: We today committed to continue our efforts to support inclusive labour markets, with the exchange of country-specific plans or sets of actions, developed as appropriate according to our different constitutional circumstances. (labour and employment)
2013-3: [We] committed to identify a set of collective and country-specific measures that tangibly improve our domestic investment environments (macroeconomic policy)
2013-4: [We committed to] start to implement a set of collective and country-specific measures that tangibly improve our domestic investment environment (macroeconomic policy)
2013-5: We extend our commitment to refrain from protectionist measures (trade)
2013-6: [We] aim at enhancing transparency in trade, including in regional trade agreements. (trade)
2013-7: [We] committed to take steps to change our rules to tackle tax avoidance, harmful practices, and aggressive tax planning (macroeconomic policy) (G20RG annual)
2013-8: We will hold ourselves to our commitment to implement the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan, combating domestic and foreign bribery, tackling corruption in high-risk sectors, strengthening international cooperation and promoting public integrity and transparency in the fight against corruption. (Crime and corruption)
2013-9: We commit to enhance energy cooperation (energy)
2013-10: [We commit] to make energy market data more accurate (energy)
2013-11: [We commit to make energy market data more] available (energy)
2013-12: [We commit] to take steps to support the development of cleaner and more efficient energy technologies to enhance the efficiency of markets and shift towards a more sustainable energy future. (energy) (G20RG annual)
2013-13: We underscore our commitment to work together to address climate change [which is a global problem that requires a global solution] (climate change)
2013-14: [We underscore our commitment to work together to address] environment protection, which is a global problem that requires a global solution. (environment)
2013-15: We will continue to develop comprehensive growth strategies to achieve stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth in the context of fiscal sustainability (macroeconomic policy)

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Global Economy and G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth

2013-16: We will act together and implement all our commitments [in the St. Petersburg Action Plan] in a timely manner (accountability)
2013-17: We will rigorously monitor [our implementation of the St. Petersburg Action Plan] (accountability)
2013-18: Advanced G20 countries agree to maintain a flexible approach in implementing their fiscal strategies, while remaining committed to sustainable public finances (macroeconomic policy)
2013-19: Facing increased financial volatility, emerging markets agree to take the necessary actions to support growth [including efforts to improve fundamentals, increase resilience to external shocks and strengthen financial systems] (macroeconomic policy)
2013-20: [Facing increased financial volatility, emerging markets agree to take the necessary actions to] maintain stability, including efforts to improve fundamentals, increase resilience to external shocks and strengthen financial systems. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-21: We will continue to monitor financial market conditions carefully (financial regulation)
2013-22: We commit to cooperate to ensure that policies implemented to support domestic growth also support global growth (macroeconomic policy)
2013-23: [We commit to cooperate to ensure that policies implemented to support domestic growth also support] financial stability (macroeconomic policy)
2013-24: [We commit] to manage their spillovers on other countries. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-25: We reiterate our commitments to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems [to reflect underlying fundamentals, and avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments]. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-26: [We reiterate our commitments to move more rapidly toward more market-determined] exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, and avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-27: We will refrain from competitive devaluation (macroeconomic policy)
2013-28: [We] will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-29: We will resist all forms of protectionism (trade)
2013-30: [We will] keep our markets open. (trade)
2013-31: We are also committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to ensure fiscal sustainability (macroeconomic policy)
2013-32: [We are also committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to] boost investment (macroeconomic policy)
2013-33: [We are also committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to] increase productivity (macroeconomic policy)
2013-34: [We are also committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to increase] labor force participation (labour and employment)
2013-35: [We are also committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to] address internal [imbalances] (macroeconomic policy)
2013-36: [We are also committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to address] external imbalances. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-37: [A]ll advanced economies have developed credible, ambitious, and country-specific medium-term fiscal strategies. These strategies will be implemented flexibly to take into account near-term economic conditions, so as to support economic growth and job creation, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path (macroeconomic policy)
2013-38: Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by boosting investment. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-39: [Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by] addressing fundamental weaknesses. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-40: [Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by] enhancing productivity and competitiveness. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-41: [Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by] increasing labour force participation. (labour and employment)
2013-42: [Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by] improving financial stability (macroeconomic policy)
2013-43: [Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by improving] credit access. (macroeconomic policy) (G20RG annual)
2013-44: [Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by] addressing internal and external imbalances. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-45: We are determined to achieve more progress toward broad based rebalancing of global demand (macroeconomic policy)
2013-46: In order to ensure a durable improvement as global growth strengthens, we are determined to undertake further policy adjustments toward rebalancing global demand between surplus and deficit countries (macroeconomic policy)
2013-47: [In order to ensure a durable improvement as global growth strengthens, we are determined to undertake further policy adjustments toward] internal rebalancing (macroeconomic policy)
2013-48: [We are committed to] achieve stronger domestic demand growth in large surplus economies (microeconomics)
2013-49: [We are committed to regularly assessing progress on achieving] stronger domestic demand growth in large surplus economies (macroeconomic policy)
2013-50: [We are committed to achieving] increased savings (macroeconomic policy)
2013-51: [We are committed to regularly assessing progress on achieving] increased savings (macroeconomic policy)
2013-52: [We are committed to achieving] enhanced competitiveness in deficit economies (macroeconomic policy)
2013-53: [We are committed to regularly assessing progress on achieving] enhanced competitiveness in deficit economies (macroeconomic policy)
2013-54: [We are committed to achieving] more flexible exchange rates (macroeconomic policy)
2013-55: [We are committed to regularly assessing progress on achieving] more flexible exchange rates (macroeconomic policy)
2013-56: We will identify the remaining key obstacles to be addressed [needed to achieve stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth in our economies]. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-57: [We will identify the remaining key] reforms needed to achieve stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth in our economies. (macroeconomic policy)

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Growth through Quality Jobs

2013-58: We commit to take a broad-ranged action, tailored to national circumstances, to promote more [jobs] (labour and employment)
2013-59: [We commit to take a broad-ranged action, tailored to national circumstances, to promote] better jobs (labour and employment)
2013-60: We commit to] Improve business environment [through pro-growth structural reforms in product and labour markets, including by promoting labour market adaptability and efficiency, ensuring adequate labour protection, as well as appropriate tax regimes and other government initiatives that may be required according to national circumstances]. (microeconomics)
2013-61: [We commit to] stimulate the creation of formal jobs [through pro-growth structural reforms in product and labour markets, including by promoting labour market adaptability and efficiency, ensuring adequate labour protection, as well as appropriate tax regimes and other government initiatives that may be required according to national circumstances] (labour and employment) (G20RG annual)
2013-62: [We commit to stimulate the creation of] more productive jobs [through pro-growth structural reforms in product and labour markets, including by promoting labour market adaptability and efficiency, ensuring adequate labour protection, as well as appropriate tax regimes and other government initiatives that may be required according to national circumstances] (labour and employment)
2013-63: [We commit to stimulate the creation of rewarding jobs, through pro-growth structural reforms in product and labour markets, including by promoting labour market adaptability and efficiency, ensuring adequate labour protection, as well as appropriate tax regimes and other government initiatives that may be required according to national circumstances]. (labour and employment)
2013-64: [We commit to] Invest in our people's skills [to give them skill portability and better prospects, to facilitate mobility and enhance employability] (labour and employment) (G20RG annual) (YEA)
2013-65: [We commit to invest in] quality education [to give them skill portability and better prospects, to facilitate mobility and enhance employability] (labour and employment)
2013-66: [We commit to invest in] life-long learning programs to give them skill portability and better prospects, to facilitate mobility and enhance employability. (labour and employment) (YEA)
2013-67: [We commit to] Foster targeted investments to ensure that labour market infrastructure [are in place to help jobseekers find work and bring under-represented and vulnerable groups into the labour market and reduce informality] (labour and employment)
2013-68: [We commit to foster] effective labour activation policies are in place to help jobseekers find work and bring under-represented and vulnerable groups into the labour market and reduce informality. (labour and employment) (G20RG annual)
2013-69: [We commit to] Improve job quality, including through working conditions, wage bargaining frameworks, national wage-setting systems, and access to social protection. (labour and employment)
2013-70: [We commit to] Develop country-specific plans or sets of actions on employment (labour and employment)
2013-71: We will discuss the progress [on the country-specific plans or sets of actions on employment] in Brisbane. (accountability)
2013-72: We call upon our Ministers of Labour and Employment and our Ministers of Economy and Finance to continue to collaborate to promote quality job creation and job-rich and sustained growth. (labour and employment)
2013-73: We are committed to quality apprenticeship (labour and employment)
2013-74: [We are committed to] vocational training programmes (labour and employment) (G20RG annual) (YEA)
2013-75: [We are committed to] finding innovative ways to encourage firms to hire youth for example by, where appropriate, reducing non-wage labour costs, moving towards early intervention measures and effective job-search assistance for different groups of youth, and motivating youth entrepreneurship and business start-ups. (labour and employment) (YEA)
2013-76: We commit to increase our efforts to support inclusive labour markets, [which will contribute to higher employment levels along with a sustained decline in unemployment, underemployment and informal employment] (labour and employment)
2013-77: [We commit to increase our efforts to support] better labour market information, [which will contribute to higher employment levels along with a sustained decline in unemployment, underemployment and informal employment] (labour and employment)
2013-78: [We commit to increase our efforts to support] effective employment services, which will contribute to higher employment levels along with a sustained decline in unemployment, underemployment and informal employment. (labour and employment)
2013-79: We commit to encourage the private sector, including small and medium sized enterprises as one of our most important partners, in fostering inclusive economic growth including for job creation and labour absorption. (macroeconomic policy) (G20RG annual)
2013-80: We are committed therefore to develop [tailored activation strategies for these groups that combine income support for those out of work with measures to improve their employability through job search assistance, work experience, public employment programs, hiring subsidies, conditional transfers and training as well as reduced obstacles for employment as per country's circumstances] (labour and employment)
2013-81: [We are committed therefore to] strengthen tailored activation strategies for these groups that combine income support for those out of work with measures to improve their employability through job search assistance, work experience, public employment programs, hiring subsidies, conditional transfers and training as well as reduced obstacles for employment as per country's circumstances (labour and employment)
2013-82: We call upon our Ministers of Labour and Employment and Ministers of Finance to work together to exchange best practices [on implementation of this commitment with the support of the ILO, the OECD and the World Bank Group in identifying good practices and effective measures for more inclusive labour markets] (labour and employment)
2013-83: [We call upon our Ministers of Labour and Employment and Ministers of Finance to work together] to deliver on implementation of this commitment with the support of the ILO, the OECD and the World Bank Group in identifying good practices and effective measures for more inclusive labour markets. (labour and employment)
2013-84: We commit to continue to work and to broaden this approach including the scope of the database, to develop country owned and country specific monitoring methodologies (accountability)
2013-85: [We commit to], where necessary, use the database when building upon our country owned and country specific policies. (labour and employment)
2013-86: [We] extend [the G20 Task Force on Employment's] mandate for another year (labour and employment)

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Financing for Investment

2013-87: [In particular, we recognize the paramount importance of the investment climate in attracting long-term financing and] will take a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing impediments to the mobilization of private capital (macroeconomic policy)
2013-88: [In particular, we recognize the paramount importance of the investment climate in attracting long-term financing and will take a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing impediments to] improving underlying investment conditions (macroeconomic policy) (G20RG annual)
2013-89: [[In particular, we recognize the paramount importance of the investment climate in attracting long-term financing and will take a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing impediments to] the efficiency of public investment (macroeconomic policy)
2013-90: To lift growth and create jobs by boosting investment, we commit to identify and start to implement by the Brisbane Summit a set of collective and country-specific actions that tangibly improve our domestic investment environments such that they are more favorable to long-term investment financing and can lead to an effective increase of implemented projects, particularly in infrastructure and for SMEs. (macroeconomic policy) (YEA)
2013-91: These actions will be part of our country-growth strategies. (macroeconomic policy)

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Enhancing Multilateral Trade

2013-92: We extend until the end of 2016 our standstill commitment (trade) (G20RG annual)
2013-93: being fully committed to further progress in removing barriers and impediments to global trade and investment, we reaffirm commitment to roll back new protectionist measures. (trade)
2013-94: We are committed to timely complying with WTO notification requirements (trade)
2013-95: [We are committed to] enhancing transparency through the existing WTO rules (trade)
2013-96: We commit to ensure that RTAs support the multilateral trading system. (trade)
2013-97: we are committed to continue our work on RTAs in the WTO and share our approach for Advancing Transparency in Regional Trade Agreements (Annex). (trade)

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Addressing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, Tackling Tax Avoidance, and Promoting Tax Transparency and Automatic Exchange of Information

2013-98: we are committed to automatic exchange of information as the new global standard, which must ensure confidentiality and the proper use of information exchanged (crime and corruption)
2013-99: we fully support the OECD work with G20 countries aimed at presenting such a new single global standard for automatic exchange of information by February 2014 (crime and corruption)
2013-100: [we fully support the OECD work with G20 countries aimed] to finalizing technical modalities of effective automatic exchange by mid-2014. (crime and corruption)
2013-101: We are committed to make automatic exchange of information attainable by all countries, including LICs (crime and corruption)
2013-102: [We] will seek to provide capacity building support to [LICs]. (development)
2013-103: Working with international organizations, we will continue to share our expertise [to secure success] (crime and corruption)
2013-104: [Working with international organizations, we will continue to] help build capacity [to secure success] (crime and corruption)
2013-105: [Working with international organizations, we will continue to] engage in long-term partnership programmes to secure success. (crime and corruption)
2013-106: we are committed to continue to assist developing countries, including through the IOs, in identifying individual country needs [in the area of tax administration] (development)
2013-107: [we are committed to continue to assist developing countries, including through the IOs, in] building capacity in the area of tax administration (in addition to automatic exchange of information) (development) (G20RG annual)

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International Financial Architecture

2013-108: We continue to support the IMF Executive Board's decision to integrate the process of reaching a final agreement on a new quota formula with the 15th General Review of Quotas. (IFI reform)
2013-109: We remain committed, together with the whole IMF membership, to agree on the quota formula and complete the 15th General Quota Review by January 2014 as agreed at the Seoul Summit and reiterated in Cannes and Los Cabos. (IFI reform)
2013-110: We reaffirm our previous commitment that the distribution of quotas based on the formula should better reflect the relative weights of IMF members in the world economy, which have changed substantially in view of strong GDP growth in dynamic emerging market and developing countries. (IFI reform)
2013-111: We reaffirm the need to protect the voice and representation of the IMF poorest members as part of this General Review of Quotas. (IFI reform)
2013-112: We will fulfill our commitment to contribute to a successful International Development Association (IDA) 17 Replenishment (development)
2013-113: [We will fulfill our commitment to contribute to a successful] African Development Fund (AfDF) 13 Replenishment. (development)

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Financial Regulation

Achievements to date and a road ahead

2013-114: We are committed to maintain the momentum of reform until the job is done (financial regulation)

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Towards a financial system that supports strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth

2013-115: We are fully committed to tackling systemic risk (financial regulation)
2013-116: We are committed to fully realizing the benefits of an open, integrated and resilient global financial system. (financial regulation)
2013-117: To this end, we will continue to take necessary actions in each of our jurisdictions to fully implement the agreed reforms in a consistent and non-discriminatory way. (financial regulation)
2013-118: We will enhance cooperation (financial regulation)
2013-119: [We will enhance] information sharing. (financial regulation)
2013-120: We are resolved to see the financial reform agenda through to its completion in a manner that avoids fragmenting the global financial system. (financial regulation)
2013-121: We will continue to cooperate on all financial regulation issues (financial regulation)
2013-122: We will also continue to monitor [the impact of financial regulatory reforms on the robustness of the financial system (macroeconomic policy)
2013-123: [We will also continue to monitor the impact of financial regulatory reforms on] stability (macroeconomic policy)
2013-124: [We will also continue to monitor the impact of financial regulatory reforms] on economic growth (macroeconomic policy)
2013-125: [We will also continue to monitor the impact of financial regulatory reforms] on the availability of long-term finance for investment (macroeconomic policy)
2013-126: [We will also continue to] assess the impact of financial regulatory reforms on the robustness of the financial system (macroeconomic policy)
2013-127: [We will also continue to assess the impact of financial regulatory reforms on] stability (macroeconomic policy)
2013-128: [We will also continue to assess the impact of financial regulatory reforms] on economic growth (macroeconomic policy)
2013-129: [We will also continue to assess the impact of financial regulatory reforms] on the availability of long-term finance for investment. (macroeconomic policy)

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Building resilient financial institutions and ending "too-big-to-fail"

2013-130: We reiterate our commitment to implement Basel III according to internationally agreed timelines (financial regulation)
2013-131: We renew our commitment to make any necessary reforms to implement fully the FSB's Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for all parts of the financial sector that could cause systemic problems. (financial regulation)
2013-132: We will undertake the necessary actions to remove obstacles to cross-border resolution. (financial regulation)
2013-133: We reaffirm our commitment to ensure that supervisors have strong mandates (financial regulation)
2013-134: [We reaffirm our commitment to ensure that supervisors have] adequate resources (financial regulation)
2013-135: [We reaffirm our commitment to ensure that supervisors have] independence to act. (financial regulation)

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Promoting transparent, continuously functioning financial markets

2013-136: We support the establishment of the FSB's Official Sector Steering Group to coordinate work on the necessary reforms of financial benchmarks. (financial regulation)
2013-137: [We welcome the FSB's progress report on the implementation of the principles and standards for sound compensation practices.] We reaffirm our commitment to ensure that these principles and standards are implemented in a consistent manner and ask the FSB to continue its ongoing monitoring (financial regulation) (G20RG annual)

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Addressing risks posed by the shadow banking

2013-138: We will work towards timely implementation of the recommendations while taking into account country specific circumstances. (financial regulation)

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Tackling money laundering and terrorism financing

2013-139: We reiterate our commitment to FATF's work in fighting money laundering (crime and corruption)
2013-140: [We reiterate our commitment to FATF's work in] terrorism financing (terrorism)
2013-141: [We reiterate our commitment to FATF's] key contribution into tackling other crimes such as tax crimes, corruption, terrorism, and drug trafficking. (crime and corruption)
2013-142: we commit to take measures to ensure that we meet the FATF standards regarding the identification of the beneficial owners of companies (crime and corruption) (G20RG annual)
2013-143: [we commit to take measures to ensure that we meet the FATF standards regarding] other legal arrangements such as trusts that are also relevant for tax purposes (crime and corruption)
2013-144: We will ensure that this information is available in a timely fashion to law enforcement [in accordance with the confidentiality legal requirements, for example through central registries or other appropriate mechanisms] (crime and corruption)
2013-145: [We will ensure that this information is available in a timely fashion to] tax collection agencies [in accordance with the confidentiality legal requirements, for example through central registries or other appropriate mechanisms.] (crime and corruption)
2013-146: [We will ensure that this information is available in a timely fashion to] other relevant authorities in accordance with the confidentiality legal requirements, for example through central registries or other appropriate mechanisms. (crime and corruption)

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Financial Inclusion, Financial Education, Consumer Protection

2013-147: We endorse the recommendations laid out in the GPFI's report, annexed to this Declaration, and commit to further pursue these efforts under the Australian Presidency. (development)

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Promoting Development for All

2013-148: We acknowledge that food security and nutrition will remain a top priority in our agenda (food and agriculture)
2013-149: We reaffirm our determination to implement all previous G20 commitments [including that stated in the Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture which the G20 endorsed in 2011] (food and agriculture) (G20RG annual)
2013-150: [We reaffirm our determination to implement all] existing initiatives including that stated in the Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture which the G20 endorsed in 2011. (food and agriculture)
2013-151: We commit to improve working practices for more effective outcomes by: concentrating on fewer key areas where action and reform remain most critical to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth in developing countries; (development)
2013-152: [We commit to improve working practices for more effective outcomes by] enhancing policy coordination across different G20 work streams in order to ensure greater impact on developing countries; (development)
2013-153: [We commit to improve working practices for more effective outcomes by] implementing a forward accountability process to improve monitoring and coordination, and ensure greater transparency of our work; (accountability)
2013-154: [We commit to improve working practices for more effective outcomes by] continuing to expand engagement and partnerships with stakeholders, including non-G20 countries (especially LICs), international organizations, the private sector and civil society; (international cooperation)
2013-155: [We commit to improve working practices for more effective outcomes by] ensuring flexible approaches to respond to new priorities and circumstances. (development)
2013-156: We remain committed to accelerating progress towards achieving the MDGs, particularly through the implementation of our development agenda and our focus on promoting strong, sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth. (development)
2013-157: We commit to participate actively in this process (development)
2013-158: [We commit to] engage in the discussion on the direction of the new framework (development)
2013-159: [We commit to engage in the discussion on the framework's] key principles and ideas (development)
2013-160: [We commit to] effectively contribute to the timely conclusion of the process. (development)
2013-161: The final outcome will be determined through an intergovernmental process in which we will all participate, but much preparatory work is still underway. (development)
2013-162: We commit to ensure that G20 activities beyond 2015 are coherent with the new development framework. (development)

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Sustainable Energy Policy and Resilience of Global Commodity Markets

2013-163: To promote market transparency and efficiency, we commit to strengthen Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) - Oil by ensuring greater visibility (energy)
2013-164: [To promote market transparency and efficiency, we commit to strengthen Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) - Oil by ensuring] more complete [data] (energy)
2013-165: [To promote market transparency and efficiency, we commit to strengthen Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) - Oil by ensuring more] comprehensive data (energy)
2013-166: [To promote market transparency and efficiency, we commit to strengthen Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) - Oil by ensuring] enhanced access (energy)
2013-167: [To promote market transparency and efficiency, we commit to strengthen Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) - Oil by ensuring] improved availability (energy)
2013-168: [To promote market transparency and efficiency, we commit to strengthen Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) – Oil] by maintaining support for capacity building. (energy)
2013-169: We will continue in cooperation with international organisations sharing national experiences and case studies [regarding sustainable development] (energy)
2013-170: We will continue in cooperation with international organisations sharing national experiences and case studies [regarding clean energy] (energy)
2013-171: We will continue in cooperation with international organisations sharing national experiences and case studies [regarding energy efficiency] (energy)
2013-172: We will continue in cooperation with international organisations sharing national experiences and case studies [regarding development of related technologies] (energy)
2013-173: We will continue in cooperation with international organisations sharing national experiences and case studies [regarding deployment of related technologies] (energy)
2013-174: We will continue in cooperation with international organisations sharing national experiences and case studies broader application of related technologies (energy)
2013-175: [We] will take forward work, on a voluntary basis, on corresponding policy options (energy)
2013-176: [We will take forward work, on a voluntary basis, on] technologies. (energy)
2013-177: We reaffirm our commitment to rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption over the medium term while being conscious of necessity to provide targeted support for the poorest. (energy)

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Pursuing the Fight against Climate Change

2013-178: We reiterate our commitment to fight climate change and welcome the outcome of the 18th conference of the Parties to the UN climate change conferences. (climate change)
2013-179: We are committed to a full implementation of the outcomes of Cancun, (climate change)
2013-180: [We are committed to a full implementation of the outcomes of] Durban (climate change)
2013-181: [We are committed to a full implementation of the outcomes of] Doha (trade)
2013-182: [We] will work with Poland as the incoming presidency towards achieving a successful outcome at COP 19. (climate change)
2013-183: We are committed to support the full implementation of the agreed outcomes under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (climate change)
2013-184: [We are committed to support the UNFCCC's] ongoing negotiations. (climate change)
2013-185: We also support complementary initiatives, through multilateral approaches that include using the expertise and the institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), based on the examination of economically viable and technically feasible alternatives. (climate change)
2013-186: We will continue to include HFCs within the scope of UNFCCC [for accounting and reporting of emissions] (climate change)
2013-187: [We will continue to include HFCs within the scope of the] Kyoto Protocol for accounting and reporting of emissions. (climate change)
2013-188: we support the operationalization of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). (climate change) (G20RG annual)

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Intensifying Fight Against Corruption

2013-189: As a group of the world's largest economies, the G20 has the potential to create unstoppable momentum towards a global culture of intolerance towards corruption. We will redouble our efforts to achieve this goal, in particular by enhancing transparency and closing implementation and enforcement gaps. (crime and corruption)
2013-190: We will continue to encourage all G20 member-countries to ratify the UNCAC (crime and corruption)
2013-191: [We will continue to encourage all G20 member-countries to] implement the UNCAC (crime and corruption)
2013-192: [We will] encourage engagement with the OECD Working Group on Bribery with a view to explore possible adherence to the OECD Anti-bribery Convention as appropriate. (crime and corruption)
2013-193: We commit to lead by example by enhancing the transparency and inclusivity of our UNCAC reviews by making use on a voluntary basis of the options in the Terms of Reference to the UNCAC Review Mechanism. (crime and corruption)
2013-194: We will continue to develop [frameworks to facilitate cooperation among G20 member-countries in the fight against corruption]. (crime and corruption)
2013-195: [We will continue to] strengthen frameworks to facilitate cooperation among G20 member-countries in the fight against corruption. (crime and corruption)
2013-196: We renew our commitment to ensure the independence of the judiciary (crime and corruption)
2013-197: [We renew our commitment] to share best practices (crime and corruption)
2013-198: [We renew our commitment to] enforce legislation to protect whistleblowers (crime and corruption)
2013-199: [We renew our commitment to] ensure the effectiveness of anti-corruption authorities free from any undue influence, (crime and corruption)
2013-200: [We renew our commitment to] promote the integrity of public officials. (crime and corruption)
2013-201: We will pay special attention to combating corruption in high-risk sectors. (crime and corruption)
2013-202: We also commit to promote integrity in buy-and-sell relations between the public and private sectors, including public procurement and privatization of state-owned property. (transparency)
2013-203: We commit to maintain [the enhanced dialogue between the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group and the B20] (crime and corruption)
2013-204: [We commit to maintain the enhanced dialogue between the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group] and C20 (crime and corruption)
2013-205: [We commit to] build on the enhanced dialogue between the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group and the B20 (crime and corruption)
2013-206: [We commit to build on the enhanced dialogue between the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group] and C20 (crime and corruption)
2013-207: In 2014, we will advance our existing commitments (accountability)
2013-208: [In 2014, we will] consider further G20 actions on the global fight against corruption. (crime and corruption)

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G20 5th Anniversary Vision Statement Commitments

Identified by: Jenilee Guebert

Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to raise growth (macroeconomic policy)
2013-210: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] create jobs (labour and employment)
2013-211: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] boost confidence; (macroeconomic policy)
2013-212: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] maintain fiscal sustainability; (macroeconomic policy)
2013-213: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] continue to reduce internal [imbalances] (macroeconomic policy)
2013-214: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to continue to reduce] external imbalances; (macroeconomic policy)
2013-215: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] keep markets open for trade (trade)
2013-216: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to keep markets open for] investment (macroeconomic policy)
2013-217: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] promote a rules-based international economy; (macroeconomic policy)
2013-218: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] ensure a stable and well-functioning global financial system; (financial regulation)
2013-219: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to ensure a] transparent global financial system (financial regulation)
2013-220: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] support strong [global institutions]; (international cooperation)
2013-221: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to support] more representative global institutions (international cooperation)
2013-222: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] promote open and transparent governments (good governance)
2013-223: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to] build an inclusive [global economy for all]. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-224: [Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to build a] sustainable global economy for all. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-225: As a forum of major advanced and emerging economies, we will reinforce our efforts for policy coordination and collaboration to strengthen growth (macroeconomic policy)
2013-226: [As a forum of major advanced and emerging economies, we will reinforce our efforts for policy coordination and collaboration to] manage any spill-over effects from our domestic decisions. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-227: We will build on progress achieved and combine our efforts and pursue of our commitment to ensure recovery and lay the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (macroeconomic policy)
2013-228: We will remain engaged with the international community as a whole (international cooperation)
2013-229: [We will] make sure that the interests of countries at all stages of development are taken into account. (international cooperation)
2013-230: we will strengthen our engagement with the Business20, (international cooperation)
2013-231: [we will strengthen our engagement with the] Labour20, (international cooperation)
2013-232: [we will strengthen our engagement with the ] Civil20, (international cooperation)
2013-233: [we will strengthen our engagement with the ] Youth20 (international cooperation)
2013-234: [we will strengthen our engagement with the ] Think20 (international cooperation)
2013-235: [we will] listen carefully to all institutions (international cooperation)
2013-236: [we will strengthen our engagement with the] countries that are not in the Group (International cooperation)
2013-237: We will continue to draw on the quality analysis and policy advice of international organisations, including the IMF, WB, OECD, FSB, UN, ILO and WTO. (International cooperation)
2013-238: [The coordinated response of the G20 helped to avert a global depression and clearly demonstrated the Group's value as a coordinating body for economic crisis management.] Going forward, the G20 will build on this success and will continue to play a critical role in the global economy, by developing a common understanding of the new challenges we face and coordinating our actions to overcome them. (macroeconomic policy)

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St. Petersburg Development Outlook Commitments

N= 41
Caroline Bracht

we will build on the foundations of the Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth to frame the approach to our future work. (development)

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Reinforcing the G20's Commitment to Shared Growth

2013-240: We will continue working in close partnership with International Organizations (IOs) and non-G20 stakeholders to support national efforts of the developing countries, LICs in particular. (development)
2013-241: Building on the Los Cabos Leaders' Declaration we will continue to support developing countries in sustaining and strengthening their development through appropriate measures, including those that encourage inclusive green growth in the context of sustainable development (development) (G20RG annual)
2013-242: [Building on the Los Cabos Leaders' Declaration we will continue to] focus our priorities and efforts on removing the bottlenecks for growth in developing countries, particularly LICs. (development) (G20RG annual)
2013-243: Our future agenda and actions will be guided by the following outcome-focused, long-term objectives to promote growth through: quality jobs and investment; (development)
2013-244: [Our future agenda and actions will be guided by the following outcome-focused, long-term objectives to promote growth through:] trust and transparency (development)
2013-245: [Our future agenda and actions will be guided by the following outcome-focused, long-term objectives to promote growth through:] sustainability and resilience (development)
2013-246: [Our future agenda and actions will be guided by the following outcome-focused, long-term objectives to promote growth through:] social inclusiveness (development)
2013-247: We will work to support regional priorities and initiatives in core priority areas where we believe the G20 can add value and promote national ownership. (development)
2013-248: The DWG will select new actions by ensuring their close alignment with the six G20 Development Principles in the Seoul Development Consensus. (development)
2013-249: the DWG will integrate accountability into its future work too. This will include a comprehensive accountability report every three years and identify when monitoring of specific actions will cease. (accountability)
2013-250: We also confirm our commitment to work in close partnership with LICs, including through South-South and triangular cooperation. (development)
2013-251: the DWG will continue to deepen collaboration with the relevant IOs and to promote joint work. (international cooperation)
2013-252: The DWG will remain focused on strategic actions to create enabling environments for development. (development)
2013-253: The DWG will therefore seek to promote greater coherence with broader development efforts. (development)

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Food Security

2013-254: We will review by March 2014 critical opportunities for economic growth and job creation in connection with food security and nutrition focusing on LICs. This review will build on all relevant G20 work to date and incorporate inputs from the Social Protection Interagency Cooperation Board. (development)
2013-255: We will enhance dissemination of best practices on food security and nutrition, building on existing initiatives such as network centers of excellence and knowledge sharing platforms on food security and nutrition (food and agriculture)
2013-256: [We will enhance]the preparatory process for the 2014 International Conference on Nutrition (food and agriculture)
2013-257: [We will] continue to monitor and implement on-going actions: commitment 24 on food reserves and access to humanitarian food supplies (food and agriculture)
2013-258: [We will continue to monitor and implement on-going actions:] commitment 26 regarding the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investments (food and agriculture)
2013-259: [We will continue to monitor and implement on-going actions:] commitment 28 on agricultural risk management; (food and agriculture)
2013-260: [We will continue to monitor and implement on-going actions:] commitment 29 on scaling-up nutrition (food and agriculture)
2013-261: In addition we remain committed to fully implementing the Agricultural Market Information System (food and agriculture)
2013-262: we will continue to share knowledge through the Meetings of Agricultural Chief Scientist, in particular on agricultural research and technology. (food and agriculture)

Financial Inclusion and Remittances

2013-263: In coordination with the GPFI, we will explore in 2014 options to strengthen financial inclusion work in developing countries and targeted actions to: harness emerging mechanisms such as electronic payments and mobile technology that can significantly improve access; (development)
2013-264: [In coordination with the GPFI, we will explore in 2014 options to strengthen financial inclusion work in developing countries and targeted actions to] increase uptake by increasing incentives, financial literacy, education and consumer protection for the poor, in particular vulnerable groups such as women, youth and migrants. (development)
2013-265: We will consider in 2014 innovative results-based mechanisms to further reduce the cost of transferring remittances to developing countries. (development) (G20RG annual)
2013-266: We will continue to implement: the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (commitment 36), incorporating commitment 37; (development)
2013-267: [We will continue to implement:] the SME Finance Compact launched in 2012 (commitment 41). (development)
2013-268: [We will continue to implement:] the G20 Peer Learning Program (commitment 42). (development)
2013-269: In line with the target G20 leaders set in 2011 (commitment 58), we will continue working to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances. (development)

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2013-270: We will examine potential implications for LICs from work of the G20 Study Group on Financing for Investment (SG) and strengthen our coordination with the SG. (development)
2013-271: We will assess the effectiveness of PPFs in regions in addition to Africa in promoting long-term investment financing for infrastructure, increase understanding of the obstacles to implementation, disseminate this knowledge through a common platform, and consider the creation of a global network of regional PPFs (development)
2013-272: We will continue to implement commitments not yet complete under the MYAP action on an MDB Infrastructure Action Plan (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) (development)

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Human Resource Development

2013-273: We will work with relevant IOs to assist interested developing countries in assessing skills development needs and in building national capacity on quality training for all stakeholders as a part of the implementation of the G20 Training Strategy. (development)
2013-274: We will explore ways to develop South-South and Triangular cooperation programs involving G20 members, aimed at providing training and knowledge-sharing to developing country nationals. (development)
2013-275: We will follow up carefully the Seoul Multi Year Action Plan commitments, including developing, disseminating and promoting the use of the internationally comparable skills indicators database [commitment 30]; (development)
2013-276: [We will follow up carefully the Seoul Multi Year Action Plan commitments, including] implementing, assessing and possibly rolling out the pilot countries action plans on skills for employment and productivity [commitment 31] (development)
2013-277: [We will follow up carefully the Seoul Multi Year Action Plan commitments, including] promoting the use and ensure the maintenance of the Global Knowledge-Sharing Platform [commitment 32]. (development)

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Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM)

2013-278: We will work with the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes to identify and address the obstacles to automatic exchange of information (AEOI) for developing countries, and reinforce our support to developing country revenue authorities both through bilateral programmes and multilateral programmes such as Tax Inspectors Without Borders. (development)
2013-279: We will review relevant work on BEPS during 2014 in order to identify issues relevant to LICs and consider actions to address them. (development)
2013-280: We encourage more developing countries to join the Global Forum. We request the Global Forum to remain engaged with developing countries to prepare for their peer reviews and provide them with tailored technical assistance (commitment 64 in MYAP). (development)
2013-281: We will continue to promote the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance among developing countries. [The Convention provides for all possible forms of administrative cooperation between states in the assessment and collection of taxes, in particular with a view to combating tax avoidance and evasion] (commitment in Los Cabos Leaders' Declaration). (development)

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This Information System is provided by the University of Toronto Library
and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g20@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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