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Official Photograph of the
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Banker Governors

Sao Paulo, November 8, 2008

Photo: Adri Felden/Argosfoto

Click on photo for high-resolution version.

From left to right:
1st row CANADA: Mark Carney (bank) and Jim Flaherty (finance); ARGENTINA: Martin Redrado (bank) and Carlos Fernandez (finance); UNITED KINGDOM: Charlie Bean and Stephen Timms (finance); BRAZIL: Henrique de Campos Meirelles (bank) and Guido Mantega (finance) [hosts]; SOUTH AFRICA: Trevor Manuel (finance) and Tito Mboweni (bank); AUSTRALIA: Wayne Swan (finance) and Glenn Stevens (bank); CHINA: Li Yong (finance) and Zhou Xiaochuan (bank).
2nd row JAPAN: Masaaki Shirakawa (bank) and Norio Mitsuya (finance); INDONESIA: Miranda Goeltom (bank) and Sri Mulyani Indrawati (finance); GERMANY: Axel Weber (bank) and Jörg Asmussen (finance); EUROPEAN UNION: Marco Buti (finance); FRANCE: Christine Lagarde (finance) and Christian Noyer (bank); INDIA: Sri Palaniappan Chidambaram (finance) and Rakesh Mohan (bank); ITALY: Vittorio Grilli (finance) and Mario Draghi (bank); KOREA: Je-Yoon Shin (finance) and Seong Tae Lee (bank).
3rd row WORLD BANK: Robert Zoellick; UNITED STATES: Ben Bernanke (bank) and David McCormick (finance); SAUDI ARABIA: Hamad Al-Sayari (bank) and Sulaiman Al-Turki (finance); MEXICO: Alejandro Werner (finance) and Guillermo Ortiz (bank); RUSSIA: Alexei Kudrin (finance) and Sergei Ignatiev (bank); TURKEY: Mehmet Simsek (finance) and Dumus Yilmaz (bank); INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AND MONETARY COMMITTEE: Boutros Ghali; INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND: Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

Source: Ministério da Fazenda

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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